Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kermit the Cobra

I'm afraid, friends, that Kermit has emerged from his tadpole stage a very angry and menacing creature indeed! With his frightening new jaws, I am now quite sure he is not a frog at all but a deadly cobra.

Olivier came over last night and added a rectifier to the LED circuit, which now functions very well. We had a very difficult time with it at first, and couldn't figure out what was wrong. As it turned out, in our tests of the taillight with the Edelux headlight, the circuit was shorting out on the aluminum casing of the Edelux—another reason to consider the plastic-cased Cyo! Well, once we sorted that out, everything worked perfectly!

Clive will be here Sunday. He is discussed in this article in Cleveland Scene magazine, which literally transcribes Joe Bringhelli's Italianate English to very humorous effect.


Michael S said...

Show us the bike!

AH said...

It's still not here! Another complication, not Dan's fault... but soon! Where can I see YOURS?

mcscholt said...

Not here yet either! Painted, rack done and fenders installed, but the decaleur is being finished... small communication mix up.